Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

When I saw this Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookie recipe on Celebrations at Home, I knew these cookies were going to make the "To-Eat" List on my diet cheat day. My husband and I are on a slow-carb diet from the 4-Hour Body book, but on Saturdays we can eat anything we want....have I mentioned how much I LOVE Saturdays???  Anyway, the thought of these cookies got me out of bed bright an early on Saturday, so I could bake them before going out of town.  They were so worth it, too!

Valentine's Day Cookies

Mine didn't turn out nearly as cute as those in the photos on Celebration at Home (maybe they sprinkled some extra chocolate chips and coconut on top of their dough balls before baking), but I did think they looked super cute on my new two-tier Valentine's Day tray from Target. 

Before bed time on Saturday, I decided I would sneak into the kitchen and eat just one more cookie while it was still cheat day.  I ate THREE!!!  Needless to say, these cookies had to leave the house, so this is how cute they looked on Sunday when they made their grand exit!

Cookie Bags with Handmade Gift Tag

I hand stamped the "A Little Yummy for Your Tummy" tag and mounted it on sparkly background paper.  The two things that really set it off, though, were the dimensional flower and the cute red and white baker's twine from The Twinery.  I've really been enjoying my Twinery twine so much that I placed an order for additional colors this week.

Cookies Gift with Handmade Gift Tag

Unfortunately, the recipients of the cookies were also on diets. Whoops! Sorry, guys!

Be sure to check out the Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies recipe on Celebrations at Home!

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